


如果你有 软水器 in your home, you are well acquainted with the maintenance schedule. It is simple, and the bulk of maintenance involves topping off the salt in your tank. 虽然这是快速和容易做每个月, the part that often leaves people scratching their heads is where you store all of the salt.

水软化剂的盐在水软化过程中是至关重要的. 使水变硬的矿物质被钠离子取代, 创造更柔软(更宜人)的水. 结果是, 你可以在家里享受软水, 即使你生活在一个众所周知的硬水地区. Your dishes will shine, your clothes will last longer, and your skin and hair will thrive.

生活在极度缺水地区的人们知道a 滤水器和盐基软水器系统 are necessary because hard water that is left to its own devices can destroy plumbing and cause damage to your home.

因为盐在软化水方面起着至关重要的作用, it is best to understand which type of salt you should use in your system and how to keep your salt fresh and clean. The better the salt, the better your 软水器 system will work.


A handful of salts are available on the market for your 软水器 system. 它们的主要区别在于盐的收获和加工方式. Always consult with your water expert to make sure you are using the best option for your system.

蒸发 – 蒸发 salt is made by boiling seawater until only the salt is left behind. It is excellent for 软水器s because the boiling process will remove impurities that might occur in solar or rock salt. 但它通常也比其他形式的盐更昂贵.

太阳能 – 太阳能 salt is made with seawater and processed using sunlight to evaporate the water. 一旦水蒸发,就会留下盐晶体. 大的盐晶体被分解成更小的颗粒, 为软水器创造了一个伟大的解决方案.

岩石 岩盐来自盐矿. It is harvested in underground mines and processed down into small chunks for use in 软水器s.


即使是最好的盐,如果储存不当也会引起问题. 放盐的最好地方是在冰箱里, 干燥的地方,最好储存在有锁盖的塑料箱里. 盐会和你家的水接触, 因此,让它远离污染物应该是当务之急. A handful of variables should factor into your salt storage solution.

湿度 – Salt will absorb moisture from the air, which will cause it to clump in humid conditions. 该放盐的时候了, 要把这些团块分开是很困难的, which can result in wasted salt or damage to your 软水器 system. 因此,最好将其储存在阴凉干燥的环境中.

– Exposing salt to direct sunlight leaves it vulnerable to reactions caused by heat. 它还会使塑料包装变质. 由于这些原因,它应该远离阳光直射.

温度 – Extreme temperatures can compromise the integrity of the salt you use in your 软水器, so it is best to ensure it doesn’t become exposed to excessive heat or cold. A general rule of thumb is to keep it between 40-100 degrees Fahrenheit, 但在这个范围的中间是最好的.

害虫 没有什么比害虫问题更令人讨厌的了. 当涉及到你的盐供应时,它们会造成一个大问题. If you end up with an infestation of bugs in your salt or rodents accessing it, 这会破坏盐的完整性, 使其无法使用.


除了保证盐的安全, there are other considerations you should keep in mind when storing bags of salt.

盐具有腐蚀性. Salt can be corrosive if it comes into contact with certain materials. You should not store salt on metal surfaces or on top of your 软水器 system because the salt can cause corrosion or rust.

盐可能对宠物有害. 确保你的宠物不会进入你的盐供应. 食用盐对动物的健康有害.


储存盐需要考虑很多因素. In addition, you need space in your home to store your backstock of salt. Many homes do not have adequate storage space for a stockpile of salt. The good news is that many water companies offer a perfect solution.

A salt delivery service is the perfect solution for many homeowners. They will show up at your home with the ideal salt for your system and top off your tank. People with 软水器s love this service because they don’t need to store or lift bags of salt to fill the tank. 作为额外福利, you have a water system expert who comes to your home and can advise you about any upcoming maintenance your system might need. 在家里喝软水从来没有这么容易过.